Position available at AF Sydney!
October 23, 2011
We’re a little sad to announce that one of our trustees is stepping down. But that means, there’s a space to fill and you could be it! What exactly is the position all about? 1. The 2nd Dr Greg Turner Chair for Higher Awesome Studies As a distinguished AF Sydney Founder, Greg Turner has had some awesome times with the gang. He’s graciously bowed out to give somebody else a chance to join our board. Taking Greg’s chair means attending our monthly dinners and pitching in $100 towards the $1000 grants we award. How do I apply?!? Pretty easy really. Drop me an email (renae.mason (at) gmail (dot) com) with a brief description of why you want to be involved. We’d love to see you get creative with your application. It can take any form – video, text, audio or even something like Storify has worked in the past. Just make it full of awesome! Greg leaves in a month, so don’t delay – we want to fill his chair as quickly as possible. Applications must be in by Monday 7th of November!!! The AF Sydney Board will be meeting on Tuesday the 8th of November to discuss the applications received.