Worldwide Everyday Service Class

June 11, 2012

Starting on Tuesday, June 12th two of the founders of Awesome Mongolia (Bonnie Nelson & Travis Hellstrom) are bringing together people who want to change the world through a four-week, online class called Everyday Service.   Everyday Service will host a terrific group of inspiring everyday humanitarians who are doing their best to make the world better. We will feature professors representing organizations like Peace Corps, Teach for America, and Boy Scouts, as well as businesses that blend social causes with profits, like Project Living Well and the en*theos academy. Awesome Foundation will also get a shout-out on the call from Tim Hwang (who was kind enough to do an interview with us) – and hopefully you too! We know that members of the Awesome Foundation are, well, awesome, so we’d love to have as many Awesome chapters represented as we can! The coolest part is that proceeds from the class go to: your choice! It can even be your own Awesome Chapter! After you sign up, visit the Everyday Service Fund to designate where you would like your class fee to go to. The class is available on a pay-what-you-want scale so anyone can get involved – even for… read more →