AF Los Angeles Gives Pot of Gold to Rainbow Pack!

January 6, 2014

Twelve-year-old Riley started Rainbow Pack at the ripe age of ten, after noticing a severe lack of basic supplies at a local Los Angeles elementary school.  In hopes to remedy what she considered basic student needs, Riley raised money to supply low-income schools with backpacks filled with educational staples: pencils, erasers, crayons, folders, pens, bookmarks, etc.  The organization has since been called “Rainbow Pack,” which officially is  “dedicated to providing homework supplies to students in need.”   This past August, Rainbow Packs provided over 2,000 backpacks containing these supplies, nearly doubling the success of its previous year. Now, as the project grows, Riley and her team of parents and colleagues have set out to distribute at least 4,000 backpacks to elementary schools in the Los Angeles area. Visit the Rainbow Pack website at