On the evening of Thursday February 6th, Awesome Palm Beach, the Palm Beach County chapter of the Awesome Foundation, met for its Pitch Party and Grant Award and donated a $1,700 micro-grant to Jack The Bike Man.
On the evening of December 5th, Awesome Palm Beach, the Palm Beach County chapter of the Awesome Foundation, met for its very first very Pitch Party and Grant Award and donated a $1,100 micro-grant to My Own Home Project. Jeff Brown, one of the co-founders of Awesome Palm Beach, explains the concept, “We give a no-strings-attached grant each month of at least $1,000 to people who do something awesome in Palm Beach County. These grants can go to individuals, groups, companies, charities, self-help groups or any type of entity to support projects in charity, sciences, arts, civic engagement, media, entertainment… just about anything as long as long as it contributes to making Palm Beach County more awesome! The grants are crowdfunded from the trustees of Awesome Palm Beach and from anyone with $100 that attends our monthly Pitch Parties.” According to Brown, “By offering these micro-grants the trustees of Awesome Palm Beach seek to support worthy local organizations and projects for which the money would make a huge impact to the community and the people of Palm Beach County.” Making good on its mission, Awesome Palm Beach recently heard live presentations from a number of non-profit and start up companies… read more →