Awesome Melbourne 1st Grant – Melbourne City RoofTop Honey

January 30, 2011

Wow. What a beginning. At our first micro-trustee dinner at  Huxable Restaurant , we were faced with a massive task ahead. Deciding which of the 32 AMAZING applicants we had to pick. After much deliberation and a fair bit of discussion around the table, we finally reached a verdict. We are really excited to announce that Melbourne City Rooftop Honey is the recipient of the first Awesome Foundation Melbourne $1000 grant You can read their application below: “My partner and I are hobbyist beekeepers who decided to set up this project as we saw a need to get involved in the worldwide effort to help save the honey bees. In many other cities around the world, the practice of rooftop beekeeping has been done for decades.  With the collapse of honeybees in 2007 (Colony Collapse Disorder), a serious risk is taking place on our natural food supply since the honey bee is crucial in our environment.  Since their existence helps with sustainability in food along with the responsibility of pollinating a large proportion of the food that we eat and if the honeybees are in trouble, we are in trouble as well. Paris, London, Toronto, San Francisco and New York… read more →

Awesome Foundation Melbourne

November 24, 2010

Greetings Awesome People, The wait is over. The next stage in the birthing of Awesome Foundation Melbourne begins. We have elected our founding board of 10 micro-trustees. In the few weeks after we posted the initial search for micro-trustees we had a huge surge of interest with over 60 people showing interest. We thought it might be a stretch to find 10 people so this was really incredible! It was not easy deciding which individuals would lead to the best balance for the board, given how AWESOME everyone was – but we thought it was important to have as broad a mix as possible to reflect the fact that Melbourne has such a vibrant community for people who want to support good shit happening. In deciding, we looked for diversity in professions, backgrounds and interests. For example we didn’t want more than two programmers, more than two doctors, more than two of the Deloitte mafia, or for the whole board to be guys. Also, we asked ourselves a few key questions: what mix of people on board could collectively given the most value to the grant winners? How can give the grantees support beyond simply just the 1000 grant? Without any… read more →