Chicago is Awesomeing

August 11, 2011

Hot on the heels of awarding our first Chicago grant, WBEZ (our local Chicago NPR station) produced a piece about us for Changing Gears.  We also successfully grew our trustee squad to 20, and just closed our call for August proposals.  We’re planning on announcing our next two grants within a week or so.  Awesome times in the Chi!  Be sure to keep up with us on Tumblr and @chicagoawesome.

Chicago – send your proposals!

April 30, 2011

Ok awesome friends, it’s on!  Chicago has opened it’s doors and is accepting proposals through May 15th.  We’ll then retire to our Awesome clubhouse, hand type each application into our Awesome computer, and analyze the awesome potential of Chicago.  We’ll inform the grantee by May 30th, and plan to have a sweet award ceremony / party at Small Bar.  For more information on the Chicago Chapter, including bio’s of the trustees and an idea of the projects we love, head to Awesome Chicago.