Power of Awesome
February 27, 2011
This is a post from Awesome Foundation Melbourne micro-trustee Jan Stewart.
Tonight the Awesome Melbourne Foundation dinner took place for the second time. The thing that struck me about our meeting was the amazingly rapid development in social cohesion amongst the group and the creativity and transformation that occurred in each person’s life in the space of a month. The co-founders deliberately chose a very diverse group of individuals for the Melbourne chapter of Awesome. It can often take time for such diversity to find common ground.
The element I underestimated in this whole situation is awesomeness itself. Each person in the group asked to be a part of this because we obviously love and value awesomeness immensely. It is this quality that we have in common, and it is this quality that was responsible for the massive development in social cohesion and creativity in a very short amount of time.
In keeping our eye primarily on awesomeness, even though there was the temptation to be distracted by our differences, this aspect pulled us all together collectively and forward individually. Most people in the group also experienced a massive shift in their personal life circumstances within the last month, from choosing to formally re-educate themselves in order to further business skills, to landing new employment in an amazing social venture, to resigning from an unfulfilling job in order to develop a start-up and application for an overseas job, to deciding to study meditation every day for a month, to deciding to do a 10 day Vipassana retreat, to starting a fantastic new job with enormous growth potential and ability to positively impact thousands of people through evolution of internal business communications, and more.
Not only is the mission of the group to give freely and with no strings attached to some awesome idea, but the awesomeness is simultaneously and amazingly impacting within the group. The awesomeness is impressing internally, externally, individually and collectively.
When we are witness to exponential development, it can serve us to understand why. In this instance it is keeping our focus on awesomeness, that allows awesomeness to manifest. Keeping our eye on creativity and positivity, and allowing some time (even though in this instance it didn’t take much time), for the awesomeness to emerge.
The other fantastic element was the care and creativity that was expressed tonight during the dinner to support all of the ideas in ways other than financial. This expression was simultaneously explosive and cool, both full and empty. Something was unleashed.
This has big implications.
It means that all we have to do is keep our eye on the positive, on the awesome, and keep giving to that.
Less attractive elements may arise in the picture. We can simply let them be and continue to keep our focus open and positive and let awesomeness do it’s amazing work.
And release it’s momentous power.