Awesome Squared Melbourne. May Grant.

May 31, 2012

Do you ride a bike?


Some of us do and some of us don’t. Either way we are all for social change and creating a greener environment.

That’s why we gave this month’s grant to Roll-Up bike valet for free Park(ing) day,  submitted by the lovely Joyce Watts.

We got together last night at South Yarra Trattoria thanks to Morgan’s recommendation. The place was filled with elderly citizens – we’re hoping this was a compliment to our level of intelligence. Luckily we were given a (sound proof) glass room to ourselves; Kristian’s voice alone would have cleared the restaurant.

We ate pasta. Lots of it. Except for Kristian who is on a juice diet (go figure).

So Joyce has an awesome idea. September 21 is International Parking Day. Individuals from around the world get together and take over parking spaces for the public to do… whatever they want. Joyce, working with the ever wicked Roll-Up wants to offer three car spaces up as Valet parking for bikes. She’ll be able to fit ten bikes in one car space.

The aim? Joyce is trying to encourage more people to ride their bikes as a mode of transport – which we think is a great idea. Less pollution, less angry car drivers, less noise.

More pretty people on bikes with wicker baskets, right?

The $1K will go towards the metre fees, valet staff, and general advertising for the day.

Nice one, Joyce.