Awesome Foundation Melbourne
November 24, 2010
Greetings Awesome People,
The wait is over.
The next stage in the birthing of Awesome Foundation Melbourne begins.
We have elected our founding board of 10 micro-trustees.
In the few weeks after we posted the initial search for micro-trustees we had a huge surge of interest with over 60 people showing interest. We thought it might be a stretch to find 10 people so this was really incredible! It was not easy deciding which individuals would lead to the best balance for the board, given how AWESOME everyone was – but we thought it was important to have as broad a mix as possible to reflect the fact that Melbourne has such a vibrant community for people who want to support good shit happening.
In deciding, we looked for diversity in professions, backgrounds and interests. For example we didn’t want more than two programmers, more than two doctors, more than two of the Deloitte mafia, or for the whole board to be guys. Also, we asked ourselves a few key questions: what mix of people on board could collectively given the most value to the grant winners? How can give the grantees support beyond simply just the 1000 grant?
Without any further ranting, here is The Founding 2011 Micro-Trustee Board:
Ross Hill -> Minimalist, explorer, blogger, kiteboarder, entrepreneur. Founder of @coverhunt, @thehive, @awesomemelb. Work with @deloittedigital at @green_dot.
Jason Smale – Creative Technologist running WhatWeWishFor. Creating & exploring things at Deloitte’s Online practice. Snowboarder, surfer, wakeboarder & volleyballer
Dan Peou – Birdwatching. The Internet. Long walks along the beach.
Jan Stewart – – interested in the evolution of consciousness and culture and building awesome customer service systems
Bryony Cole – Digital Strategist @ Department of Justice; likes hip hop, Fridays, lemonade. Writes @ &
Xavier Shay – Coder, vegan, dancer, athlete. I blog and more, check my site.
Darren Rowse – “I blog about twitter and tweet about blogging. Sometimes I blog about tweeting about blogging and tweet about blogging about twitter.”
Amantha Imber – – Creativity & Innovation Psychologist, using science to increase idea generation capability
Derek Winter – – Helping people get out of (unproductive) ruts into (productive) grooves. See more at and
Founding Dean of Awesome
Edward Harran – Futurist, Blogger, Philanthropist, (Know)mad. Passionate about seeding, spreading + sharing awesomeness. I like exploring the edge and connecting dots.
For everyone who expressed interest in becoming a micro-trustee, we are really thankful for expressing your support. Again, it really says something about the vibrant nature of Melbourne. Moving forward, if you are still keen to become a micro-trustee, we will put you on the waiting list should any of the 10 need to leave. There is always the option of one of you organising another Awesome Foundation chapter too. Who said Melbourne is limited to one? We have also been talking on the AF backchannel about the topical chapters that have begun, Awesome Food is the first that isn’t limited to a single geographic location and focuses purely on Awesome stuff that happens with food. Feel free to let us know if you would like to be put in touch with them.
What’s next?
– The official Awesome Foundation blog announcement is at , Ross’s blog announcement is at, Eddie’s blog announcement is at:
– We have built a twitter list of the micro-trustees at
– We are now on the hunt for AWESOME projects. If you know of any, let us or somebody on the board know.
– The Micro-Trustee board will award its first grant in Jan’ 2011.
– Keep updated on Twitter with @awesomemelb
Stay Awesome,
Eddie and Ross.
Awesome Foundation Melbourne